I’ve lived in Meridian for 11 years with my three kids and sexy bearded husband, Shane. Together we host the podcast The Boise Bubble - focusing on conversations about the Treasure Valley.
I’m a huge fan of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Also good conversation. So I created a career revolving around that. Hello Meridian and the Boise Bubble Podcast both have a pretty simple purpose. Showcase amazing business, happenings and people about the Treasure Valley.
A question I get a lot. How did I start in social media? Well. Let’s be honest. I lost my mind a little when I first became a mom. My first baby was VERY difficult. My husband traveled all the time. I lived in Tennessee nowhere near any family or friends. I was completely alone.
I was so sleep deprived I started not being able to form words.
Literally I was starting to not be able to speak.
But I could still write. So I started to blog. I wrote about how crushingly hard motherhood was. And how amazing it was. The fear of losing myself, and the bewilderment of discovering myself. And suddenly I was one of the first mommy bloggers. I blogged for 8 years before switching to Instagram. And here we are.
A few facts about me:
I’ve played guitar since high school
I chase sunsets
I attended college in Israel for a while.
I’m a strong enneagram 3, oldest child and Virgo. (Soooo… tich of a workaholic).
I like to stress bake and used to have a baking blog.
Zealots make me very uncomfortable
I have extreme amounts of sex (this is an experiment to see if anyone is reads this far down … if you see this, message me to tell me you saw it 🙃)
For over a year I lived in a haunted house in the mountains of North Carolina. (Do not recommend)
I’m extraordinarily hard on myself
In politics, religion, relationships - I don’t believe in black and white.
I love the Treasure Valley. And I still can’t believe that somehow it’s my job to explore this amazing community.